Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I'm beat kids. Looong day. But I'll share a little recap of my first class.

First, I was so excited I practically skipped over to my class after work with visions of being a straight up natural graphic design student. I went upstairs to pick up my ID and bam.... HORRIBLE picture. I felt like I was one of those kids who gets back school pictures only to discover spinach in my teeth. Total fail. I immediately hid it in the darkest corner of my wallet hoping it will never resurface.

Up next, I find my classroom and grab a seat up front. In hindsight this was a brilliant decision because the back row couldn't see a thing on the projection screen. My only brilliant move of the night. Anyway, we go around the room to share our majors and why we are in this class. Clearly I'm one of 4 people who's out of school and taking this class for fun. I'm not use to being one of the older kids in the room. Everyone else seemed to be a super artsy kid who had photoshop on their high school computers. And high school for them was last year. Hmmm, I'm not in Kansas anymore.

My vision of being a natural was quickly shot down when I couldn't even find the brush options to draw lines on the page. Oh boy. Suddenly it hits me, I'm so not a natural at computers. Ugh. I've known this forever, why do I try and kid myself. Oh well, growth opportunity I remind myself. Everyone else was flying along and I was anxiously awaiting to get home and crack into my new textbook to bring myself up to speed with the basics.

We ended class a bit early (thank goodness) and  I hightailed it out of there. Now I know that doesn't sound like it was the greatest experience of my life, but I think I'm really going to like it. First days of school are always rough, right? I've got some learning to do :)

On another topic, I thought I would add on to a quote I posted a few days ago. Can't believe the world just lost such an innovator.

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